About Katherine McKay Energetics
Have you ever been stuck and don’t know what direction to take?
Taken many courses about how to get unstuck but nothing seems to work?
This is how K.M. Energetics began! I have worked with many clients and have seen clarity and serenity created after a session. Though what I discovered is that over time, the individual would go back to the same patterns and thought processes that existed prior to their session-- hence began the evolution. Over the past 20 years, I have experienced many processes such as emotional release work, flower essence therapy, body talk, and many other modalities. What I found was most modalities were passive systems. The client was not engaged in the process and therefore the effects were short term. What came out of this was an understanding that the individual needed to be engaged in the process. So began the integration of many systems such as Matrix Energetics in short form, allowing the field of all possibilities to align to the desired outcome. I also added Yuen, a system of creating a non-charge on events and patterns, essentially creating neutrality. It is the awareness of testing the strength on certain triggers and moving it to a place of expansion. Through the connection of my guides and angels and the connection with the client’s guides and angels, we maneuver and navigate the information that is presented within the session. It is with this information that a pattern emerges and here is where the fun begins.
I have found that using this system creates clarity in the individual and gives them a road map that assists them in becoming a master in their own lives. What I explain to clients is that our clarity is created through the peeling of the layers, similar to the peeling of an onion. As our growth occurs we can get to a place where life occurs but we become the observer rather than the reactive component. This is where life takes on an almost magical feel. We become the person that responds rather than reacts. I am excited to share this new culmination of many modalities with my clients who have been experiencing amazing results. I believe my calling is to assist others in finding their joy and to open themselves to a life they deserve to live.
About Katherine McKay
Katherine McKay is an Intuitive Counselor, card reader, Certified Reiki Master, Yuen Practitioner, and Matrix Energetics Facilitator. Katherine believes that we all have the ability to choose the life we want to live and enjoys showing others the power to create the desired outcomes and be an active participant in their own lives. She has learned that many physical ailments stem from emotional issues that manifest into physical symptoms. This discovery led her on the amazing journey that has allowed her to incorporate her teachings to help others with the barriers we face on our path in life.
Diagnosed with cancer at the age of 31, while pregnant with her gorgeous daughter, Katherine was thrown into the path of having to learn how to deal with all aspects of health. She needed to survive for her daughter, to be there to watch her grow up. She sought out anything that might help heal her - dietary changes, emotional release work, and many other modalities, including the conventional ways of dealing with cancer - chemotherapy and radiation.
One of things that came through this dis-ease was learning to bring everything into perspective. Learning how the body works and why trapped emotions can manifest in the body and develop into many dis-eases, such as cancer. She believes that all things that occur in life are always a gift; it is all about perspective. It is a choice to grow from them or have them define you.
Experiencing this prognosis led Katherine into many areas of alternative health. This would not have been possible if she had not developed cancer. Since that time, she has evaluated many aspects of what makes a person healthy, happy and prosperous in their lives. She opened a health food store 15 years ago and started sharing her story while assisting others to their well being. Through helping her clients she began to understand the workings of the mind and the conditions that created imbalances in one’s health.
As she worked with individuals, she discovered that she was an empath and therefore could feel what was going on in her client’s bodies. With this information, she could feel when these conditions shifted to a place of ease, a place of expansion and ultimately move to good health. Katherine ran her store for 9 years and enjoyed every minute of it. She gained incredible knowledge in the supplementing of herbs, vitamins, essential minerals and essentials oils.
She decided to sell her store and begin her studies in Reiki, becoming a Certified Reiki Master and is a registered Reiki practitioner with the Canadian Reiki Association. She also became certified in Yuen and Matrix Energetics, which are modalities that allow the body to shift to a neutral state, a state of homeostasis. When conditions lose their negative charge in the mind and body, the body returns to its natural state of balance and health. She continues to grow and expand her knowledge, assisting her clients with new ways of moving their lives to a place of lightness and ease.