It is time to follow the path of our expansion, it is a just a decision away. If we focus on the things that elate us and move away from the things that do not. Over time we will feel this emotion of letting go and letting peace into our lives. We have practiced ourselves into where we sit now emotionally, whatever that may be.
In most cases our thought process do not serve us. We are not happy, we wrestle with life. Let’s undo this conditioning and practice truly what we are wanting. I have found over time with a steady realization of where I want to be and how I want to feel, with a conscious attention and focus on this, it becomes my outcome. What we focus on expands! So choose the path and thoughts that serve you. Day by day you will find that life will change and one morning you will wake up and you will be living the life that you dream of living. The life lived joyously with anticipation of the miracles of your life, it is that simple, and you will become the “Up-lifter.”